Monday 4 November 2013

Rough Cut Feedback/Response

Group 13
Level 4

  • all we can fault is there are possibly too many overlay effects when he's famous.
  • hand held camera sold star persona as growing in fame.
  • really effective transitions.
  • possibly add some filters/effects at beginning of narrative or splits.
Group 18
Level 4
  • really good storyline!
  • lots of different shot types that adds variety to the video
  • realistic acting
  • Needs colour correction.
  • Overlay add a sense of journey.
Group 17
Level 4
  • Good different camera angles.
  • Lip sync on point.
  • Narrative was brilliant and clear.
  • Camerawork was shaky at times.
  • Needed more filters.
  • Costume change was really good, works well.
Group 15
Level 4
  • Transition between shots were really good e.g. the change from poor to rich.
  • Fades between the shots fit with the pace of the music.
  • Lighting and fades during the performance scene was really good, shows time is passing.


We think that the feedback was very fair. We weren't really told too much of what we need to improve on but what we were told, we already were

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