Friday 4 October 2013

Call Sheet Day 2

Title: Passenger - Holes

Crew: Henry Smith                        Date: Fri 11th Oct                Weather:  12 degrees C
           Josh Read
           Joe Murfitt

Equipment: Camera, tripod, reflector, torch, stills camera 

  • All three of us are going to collect the equipment.
Location: Drama Studio, Long road Sixth Form College

  1.  14:40 - Meet at media lesson block to pick up equipment.
  2.  14:50 - Set up equipment in drama studio.
  3.  15:00 - Start filming live performance shots (close ups, pans, dolly rotations).
  4.  15:40 - Pack up equipment.
  5.  15:50 - Upload footage to mac.
If Raining: N/A

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