Friday 20 September 2013

Music Video Initial Ideas

Passenger - Holes

  • Acoustic guitar with case/strap/plectrum.
  • Money.
  • In Cambridge town.
  • Stage in drama studio
  • Simple/casual clothing.
  • Fingerless gloves.
  • Homeless/Busker.
  • All he has is his guitar and the clothes on his back.
  • Starts as a busker, ends up on stage. (keeps same guitar).
  • Business card dropped into case while busking.
  • Cutaways to guitar/hands.
  • People walking past while busking.
  • Shots of performance (busking/on stage).
  • Tracking shots (walking around).
  • Shots of money put into case while busking.
  • Shot from behind on stage (lights shining into camera).
  • Ends with shot of guitar (outside dressing room?).
  • Slower paced cuts towards beginning, speeds up as song does.
  • Some shots black and white towards beginning.
  • Jump cuts when money is going into case (filling up).
  • Split screens of performance/money in case/people watching.

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